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Assuring Transformation

This dataset monitors the progress of moving people with a learning disability, autism or both to community settings.

About this standard

NHS England
Reference code
DAPB2007 Amd 18/2022
Publication date
Show definitions of statuses

Active. Active standards are stable, maintained and have been approved, assured or endorsed for use by qualified bodies.

Deprecated Deprecated standards are available for use and are maintained, but are being phased out, so new functionality will not be added.

Retired standards Retired standards are not being maintained or supported and should not be used.

Standard type
  • Collections
  • Information standards
Show definitions of standard types

Collections. A Collection is a systematic gathering of a specified selection of data or information for a particular stated purpose from existing records held within health and care systems and electronic devices.

Extractions. An extraction is a type of collection that is pulled from an operational system by the data controller and transmitted to the receiver without additional processing or transcription by the sender.

Information standards. Information standards are agreed ways of doing something, written down as a set of precise criteria so they can be used as rules, guidelines, or definitions.

Technical Standards and specifications. Technical standards and specifications specify how to make information available technically including how the data is structured and transported.

Contact point

Please include ‘FAO Assuring Transformation’ in the subject line.

Link to standard

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Applies to
  • All commissioners of learning disability and autism services.
  • Integrated Care Boards (ICBs)
  • Commissioning support units
  • Provider Collaboratives
  • NHS England Specialised Commissioning Hubs
Impacts on
Implementation of this information standard impacts all health IT systems suppliers providing systems to the above providers; suppliers should work with their customers to determine necessary changes.
Associated medias

Further guidance is published by NHS England:

Conformance date
Effective from

Topics and care settings

  • Continuity of care
  • Data definitions and terminologies
  • Reference data
Care setting
  • Community health
  • Hospital

Dependencies and related standards


No known dependencies

Related standards
  • Mental Health Services Data Set
    The Assuring Transformation collection has been aligned with the Mental Health Services Data Set where possible, for example through the use of the same data items and national code lists.
  • NHS Data Model and Dictionary
    Assuring Transformation is not currently incorporated into the Data Dictionary, but the collection is aligned with the Data Dictionary as far as possible, i.e. through the use of Data Dictionary data items where equivalent items exist.

Review Information

NHS Services
  • Gareth Harry, Director of Delivery, Mental Health, Learning Disability and Autism, NHS England.

Senior Responsible Officer

Gary Childs, Head of Information and Analysis, NHS England.

Business Lead
  • Clare McConnell, Senior Analytical Lead (Learning Disability and Autism Programme), NHS England.
Approval date
Post Implementation review Date

Legal basis and endorsements

Legal authority
  • Section 250 of the Health and Social Care Act 2012

    This information standard is published under section 250 of the Health and Social Care Act 2012

  • NHS standard contract

    This collection is published under the NHS Standard Contract.

More information

Assuring Transformation is a data collection that has been developed in response to Transforming Care: A national response to Winterbourne View Hospital and Winterbourne View Review: Concordat: A Programme of Action.

The Concordat, published by the Department of Health and Social Care in December 2012, aims to ensure that all people with a learning disability receive the health care and support they need in the most appropriate setting.

Version 4.0 of this dataset includes changes to the established questions and changes to improve the validity, accuracy and reliability of responses. These include:

  • Addition of new questions relating to:
    • Whether gender identity is the same as at birth
    • Looked After Children legal status for under 18 year olds
    • The sex of the ward
    • Pre-admission Local Area Emergency Protocol (LAEP) date
    • Annual Health Checks
    • Self-segregation
    • If Local Authority and ICS aware of planned discharge / transfer
    • Clinically ready for discharge and reasons for delayed discharge
  • Amendments to existing questions to better align Assuring Transformation with the Mental Health Services Data Set (MHSDS) and NHS Data Model and Dictionary
  • Removal of questions where the information can be found elsewhere or is no longer relevant.
  • There are also minor changes to validations within the Clinical Audit Platform (CAP) system to improve the robustness of the data when captured.
  • Improvements to guidance for submitters.

Page last updated: 03 May 2024