Child Protection Information Sharing - Update to DCB1609 Ensures the safeguarding, health and wellbeing of a child in need as defined under the Children Act 1989 Section 17(10). | - Collections
- Information standards
| Draft in progress | - Approval due:
- Implement from:
- Conformance date:
| - Owner
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- Not available
- Documentation
- Not available
Diagnostic Imaging Data Set - Update to SCCI1577 Data collection on diagnostic imaging tests carried out by radiology departments to meet national reporting requirements. | - Collections
- Information standards
| Proposed | - Approval due:
- Implement from:
- Conformance date:
| - Owner
- Submit feedback
- Not available
- Documentation
- Not available
Digital Maternity Record Standard - Update to DCB3066 Record details of people accessing maternity services including their GP and next of kin. | | Draft in progress | - Approval due:
- Implement from:
- Conformance date:
| - Owner
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- Not available
- Documentation
- Not available
FHIR Genomics Implementation Guide Defines a set of Health Level Seven (HL7) Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) Release 4 (R4) profiles to support the exchange of genetic testing requests and results. | - Technical standards and specifications
| Draft in progress | - Approval due:
- Implement from:
- Conformance date:
| - Owner
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- Not available
- Documentation
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General Practice Pay Transparency - update to DAPB4023 Extension to approval of existing collection for three years which makes no changes. | | Draft in progress | - Approval due:
- Implement from:
- Conformance date:
| - Owner
- Submit feedback
- Not available
- Documentation
- Not available
GP Workload Tool - update to DAPB2236 Update to account for the expansion of the purposes for which the data is being used to cover inclusion in the Primary Care Access Recovery Plan. | | Draft in progress | - Approval due:
- Implement from:
- Conformance date:
| - Owner
- Submit feedback
- Not available
- Documentation
- Not available
Intermediate Care Data Collection Data to improve the visibility of demand and capacity across health services at all levels from system to regional to national. | | Draft in progress | - Approval due:
- Implement from:
- Conformance date:
| - Owner
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- Not available
- Documentation
- Not available
Maternity and Neonatal Operational Pressures Escalation Level Data Collection Provides NHS England (NHSE) regions and their maternity and neonatal services with daily data required to facilitate the arrangement of mutual aid in line with an agreed Operational Pressures Escalation Level (OPEL) framework. | | Draft in progress | - Approval due:
- Implement from:
- Conformance date:
| - Owner
- Submit feedback
- Not available
- Documentation
- Not available
Maternity Services Data Set - Update to DCB1513 Collect data on maternity services including details of pregnancies, labours and births to meet national reporting requirements. | | Draft in progress | - Approval due:
- Implement from:
- Conformance date:
| - Owner
- Submit feedback
- Not available
- Documentation
- Not available
National Cancer Waiting Times Monitoring Data Set - Update to DCB0147 Collect patient waiting times for cancer screening, treatment and care to meet national reporting requirements. | - Collections
- Information standards
| Draft in progress | - Approval due:
- Implement from:
- Conformance date:
| - Owner
- Submit feedback
- Not available
- Documentation
- View documentation for this standardopens in a new tab
(opens in new tab)