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NHS Health Check

Defines a core set of patient level (non-identifiable) information to be returned to the Department of Health to enable monitoring against Key Performance Indicators identified for the NHS Health Check programme.

About this standard

Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC)
Reference code
ISB1080 Amd 33/2011
Publication date
Show definitions of statuses

Active. Active standards are stable, maintained and have been approved, assured or endorsed for use by qualified bodies.

Deprecated Deprecated standards are available for use and are maintained, but are being phased out, so new functionality will not be added.

Retired standards Retired standards are not being maintained or supported and should not be used.

Standard type
  • Collections
  • Information standards
Show definitions of standard types

Collections. A Collection is a systematic gathering of a specified selection of data or information for a particular stated purpose from existing records held within health and care systems and electronic devices.

Extractions. An extraction is a type of collection that is pulled from an operational system by the data controller and transmitted to the receiver without additional processing or transcription by the sender.

Information standards. Information standards are agreed ways of doing something, written down as a set of precise criteria so they can be used as rules, guidelines, or definitions.

Technical Standards and specifications. Technical standards and specifications specify how to make information available technically including how the data is structured and transported.

Contact point

Link to standard

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Applies to
  • Suppliers of clinical systems to commissioners and providers of NHS Health Checks
  • Commissioned providers of NHS Health Checks including alternate service providers such as pharmacies
  • Organisations purchasing new systems to support implementation of NHS Health Checks
Associated medias
Effective from

Topics and care settings

  • Key care information
  • Reference data
Care setting
  • Community health
  • Pharmacy

Review Information

The primary users of the standard are clinical system suppliers who provide data extracts.

Legal basis and endorsements

Legal authority
  • Section 250 of the Health and Social Care Act 2012

    This information standard is published under section 250 of the Health and Social Care Act 2012.

More information

The standard supports the extraction of comparable data from clinical systems used by commissioned providers of the NHS Health Check and the flow of these data to a central data repository. With appropriate safeguards, information extracted using the standard can be used locally to plan, commission, monitor and improve NHS Health Check services.

The standard encompasses: anonymised demographic data; a limited set of clinical observations including the person’s NHS Health Check risk score result; a limited set of health interventions such as signposting to relevant activities/services.

This standard does not specify all the data that would be recorded about individuals who access the NHS Health Check programme. Exchange of information among providers and commissioners in support of managing NHS Health Checks pathway is also out of scope. This includes electronic communication between general practices and alternate service providers of NHS Health Checks such as pharmacies.

About this change

Minor Amendments to Align Data Set and XML Schema

The NHS Health Check dataset and the XML schema have been amended to correct the alignment between the dataset and the released XML schema.

Changes made are:

  • 11100330 - SMOKING STATUS CODE (Person Observation Section), attribute for “Unknown” value should be “Z” (not 9) as per national mandated code.

Page last updated: 03 May 2024