Commissioning Data Sets
Data sets intended to deliver robust, comprehensive, nationally consistent and comparable person-based information on hospital activity to support a variety of secondary use purposes.
- Documentation
About this standard
- Publisher
- NHS England
- Also known as
- Also known as CDS.
- Reference code
- DAPB0092 Amd 64/2020
- Publication date
- 15 June 2021
- Status
- Active
Show definitions of statuses
Active. Active standards are stable, maintained and have been approved, assured or endorsed for use by qualified bodies.
Deprecated Deprecated standards are available for use and are maintained, but are being phased out, so new functionality will not be added.
Retired standards Retired standards are not being maintained or supported and should not be used.
- Standard type
- Collections
- Information standards
Show definitions of standard types
Collections. A Collection is a systematic gathering of a specified selection of data or information for a particular stated purpose from existing records held within health and care systems and electronic devices.
Extractions. An extraction is a type of collection that is pulled from an operational system by the data controller and transmitted to the receiver without additional processing or transcription by the sender.
Information standards. Information standards are agreed ways of doing something, written down as a set of precise criteria so they can be used as rules, guidelines, or definitions.
Technical Standards and specifications. Technical standards and specifications specify how to make information available technically including how the data is structured and transported.
- Collection level
Record level
- Contact point
- Quote ‘FAO DSDS - CDS’ in the subject line.
Using this standard
- Applies to
- All NHS organisations providing secondary care
- All NHS commissioned independent sector secondary care providers
- Impacts on
- Implementation of this information standard impacts all health IT systems suppliers providing systems to the above providers; suppliers should work with their customers to determine necessary changes.
- Associated medias
- Effective from
- 1 April 2023
Topics and care settings
- Topic
- Access to records
- Data definitions and terminologies
- Reference data
- Care setting
- Hospital
Dependencies and related standards
- Dependencies
The standard predominantly, but not exclusively, relates to the following electronic information systems:
- Patient Administration Systems (PAS)
- Electronic Patient Records (EPR)
- Clinical and operational systems used in secondary care hospitals. This includes dedicated maternity systems, radiology systems and pathology systems.
- Related standards
- Emergency Care Data Set (ECDS) DAPB0092-2062
- Community Services Data Set (CSDS) DAPB1069
- Mental Health Services Data Set (MHSDS) DAPB0011
- Maternity Services Data Set (MSDS) DCB1513
- NHS Number for Secondary Care ISB 0149-02
- International Classification of Diseases and Health Related Problems (ICD-10) SCCI0021
- OPCS Classification of Interventions and Procedures (OPCS-4) DCB0084
- Health and Social Care Organisation Reference Data DAPB0090
- Read Clinical Terms Version 2 (Deprecated) ISB 1553
- Read Clinical Terms Version 3 (Deprecated) ISB 1552
- Neonatal Critical Care Minimum Data Set SCCI0075
- Paediatric Critical Care Minimum Data Set SCCI0076
- Critical Care Minimum Data Set ISB 0153
- Overseas Visitor Charging Category (OVCC) DCB3017
- Treatment Function and Main Specialty Standard DCB0028
- Sexual Orientation Monitoring Standard DCB2094
- Aggregate Contract Monitoring DCB2050
- Patient Level Contract Monitoring DCB3003
- Devices Patient Level Contract Monitoring DCB3002
- Drugs Patient Level Contract Monitoring DCB2212
- Clinical Risk Management: its Application in the Manufacture of Health IT Systems DCB0129
- Clinical Risk Management: its Application in the Deployment and Use of Health IT Systems DCB0160
- Healthcare Resource Groups ISB0070
- Sensitive Data (Deprecated) ISB1572
- Emergency Care Data Set (ECDS)
Review Information
- Scope
- NHS Services
- Sponsor
Ming Tang, National Director, Data and Analytics, NHS England
- Senior Responsible Officer
Andrew Jackson, Director of Performance Information, Performance Analysis Team, NHS England
- Business Lead
- Thomas Latham, Dataset Maintenance Operational Delivery Manager, NHS England
- Approval date
- 8 June 2021
- Post Implementation review Date
- 30 September 2023
- Technical Committee
Data Alliance Partnership Board (DAPB)
Legal basis and endorsements
- Legal authority
Section 250 of the Health and Social Care Act 2012
This information standard is published under section 250 of the Health and Social Care Act 2012.
NHS standard contract
This collection is published under the NHS Standard Contract.
More information
The Commissioning Data Sets (CDS) are patient level, secondary uses data sets providing information about NHS provided and NHS funded secondary care activity.
As a secondary uses data set, CDS re-uses clinical and operational data for purposes other than direct patient care. It specifies the data items, definitions and associated value sets to be extracted or derived from local information systems.
The data is submitted via NHS England’s Secondary Uses Service (SUS), in an XML format, on a weekly, monthly or annual basis, depending on the CDS type.
CDS data is used for a variety of purposes to support the NHS in the delivery of healthcare services, including national reporting through Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) and the allocation of payments through the National Tariff Payment System.
About this change
The changes in this release update CDS to:
- Introduce SNOMED CT, as per the SCCI0034 information standard
- Introduce a complementary field to allow the submission of null responses alongside SNOMED CT codes, making use of the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) ValueSet
- Remove Read Version 2/Clinical Terms Version 3 (CTV-3) structures
- Conform with other information standards, such as:
- DCB0028 Treatment Function and Main Specialty Standard
- DCB3017 Overseas Visitor Charging Category
- DCB0090 Health and Social Care Organisation Reference Data
- DCB2094 Sexual Orientation Monitoring Standard.
- Introduce the ability to submit multiple commissioners
- Introduce a SPECIALISED SERVICE CODE data item, to support specialised commissioning requirements
- Introduce Acute Data Alignment Programme (ADAPt) changes to support alignment with the Private Healthcare Information Network (PHIN) submissions of data for private patients
- Add data items to support NHS England and NHS Improvement Outpatient Transformation Programme requirements
- Add data items to match and enable linkage with the forthcoming Ambulance Data Set
- Capture risk assessments completed for ophthalmology patients and an associated ‘latest clinically appropriate date’ for treatment
- Remove enumerated value lists from the submission XML schema for some data items
- Retire redundant CDS types i.e., types 021, 030-110 and 170
- Note that type 010 (A&E), which was originally included in CDS 6.2, is now a separate information standard DCB0092-2062 Emergency Care Data Set (ECDS)
- Align with changes to the NHS Data Model and Dictionary
Note that this release confirms the move to weekly submission for the following CDS types:
- 020 Outpatients
- 120 Admitted Patient Care - Finished Birth Episode
- 130 Admitted Patient Care - Finished General Episode
- 140 Admitted Patient Care - Finished Delivery Episode
From 1 April 2022, providers of NHS-funded secondary care activity SHOULD be able to collect the information as defined in the Technical Output Specification for local use.
From 1 April 2022, providers of NHS-funded secondary care activity SHOULD start making CDS v6.3 submissions.
By 1 April 2023, providers of NHS-funded secondary care activity MUST be fully conformant with CDS v6.3, including the capture and submission of any new mandatory or required data items.
Note: CDS v6.3 will replace CDS v6.2 at a date to be determined following successful implementation of CDS v6.3.
Note: While implementation activity may start immediately, the Enhanced Technical Output Specification will be published in July 2021, and the XML schema will be published in September 2021, as set out in section 3.5.4 of the Implementation Guidance. This may have an impact on implementation, and the consequential risk has been accepted by the development team.
Page last updated: 14 May 2024